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is found in Jesus!

Defining Hope

It is hard to live in the land of hopelessness.

Hopelessly lost. Hopelessly confused. Hopelessly wanting something to look forward to in the future. Hope in your future.

Maybe you have tried the things that seem tangible and real.

Medicine. People. Money. Popularity. Power. Drugs. Sex. Only to find out the hope they offer is not always real. And sometimes leaves you more hopeless than ever.

Maybe it is time for a change.

We Christians have found our hope in something you cannot see, but is the most real thing you will ever experience.

Our hope comes from our faith in Jesus. Real, lasting, no matter what…


“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
– Hebrews 11:1

God's Love Begins With

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